
“Redemption/TIME” is a compelling and inspirational multimedia performance that brings together two extraordinary talents from different walks of life. Jimmy Santiago Baca, an accomplished American poet and memoirist, and Christian Howes, a renowned jazz violin virtuoso, have united their unique experiences and artistic prowess in a collaboration that transcends boundaries.

“Redemption/TIME” is not just a performance; it’s an anthem of contemporary America. Directed by Dr. David Gonzalez, this project combines the spoken word of Baca and the musical virtuosity of Howes to inspire a new generation. Their collaboration bridges the gap between poetry and music, offering hard-won life lessons and powerful voices to a broad audience. It’s a testament to resilience, transformation, and the enduring human spirit.

“Redemption/TIME” is a unique opportunity to witness the convergence of two remarkable artists who have overcome challenges and now strive to make a positive impact on the world. Their story is a testament to the importance of embracing the business side of one’s craft and creating opportunities. Get ready to be inspired and motivated by this extraordinary odyssey of redemption and creativity.

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