Virtual Offerings

Engaging Online Events, Virtual SEL Programs, Virtual Social Emotional Learning, Virtual Storytelling, Virtual Poetry Readings, Virtual Author Visits

Virtual storytelling performances, author’s visits poetry readings, and workshops tailored with you for your theater or school.

Emphasizing partnerships with real people, in real time.



Storytelling is the art of bringing stories to life. Storytellers use their full range of expressive capacities to make their tales resonate with listeners. We strive to make beauty in the real and virtual worlds.


All virtual workshops are grounded in the oral literacy standards of the Common Core, and tie in perfectly with academic goals. Everything learned in David’s programs can be used at home, in school, and “forever after.”


Everything David does is fun. From the many stories he tells, to the warmups and step-by-step lesson plans. Now these are all virtual to reach adults, kids and teachers at home.
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